Byron Bay Org Chick Broth Powder 100gm


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This Byron Bay Bone Broth product is

– 18 Hour slow cooked.

– Made from free range happy chickens.

– Organic chicken broth.

Rich in Collagen, boosting Immunity, promoting Skin and Gut Health and improving overall health & wellbeing.

Tip; Perfect for a batch of chicken rissoles – your kids will love it!  This product is designed to keep your gut health on point and your tastebuds merry. Use this as an alternative to any of generic stocks – you’ll never look back!

Just add water to this powdered version, and use it as a liquid in making soups, stews sauces and reductions.

One cup per person per day is recommended as an immunity health boost.

Includes ingredients: collagen and gelatin, trace levels of minerals, and GAG’s. 

Safe to use and FREE from contamination of heavy metals.